We are Recharge, a company focused on bringing relaxation and mindfulness to people.
Welcome to your Recharge. Our goal when creating this company was to find a way to encourage individuals to take a break from their busy lives and to focus on their mental health. People spend an average of six months of their lives waiting in line, whether they're in line for coffee, in the waiting room at the doctor's office, or even just at school waiting for class to start. That comes out to an average of 3 days a year of just waiting. This wasted time could be spend doing something productive. Waiting is a large part of our daily lives, so we should make the most of it.
"On average, people spend 23 days a year, 90 minutes a day, and 9 years of our lives on our devices.“
Our goal was to create a way to use time spent waiting to recharge. It could be a time to give your brain and your mental health some much needed attention. We created a kit everyone can use during their down time, or while they are waiting, filled with activities to help recharge your brain and to make waiting more productive and fun.
We are college students who have created Recharge for other college students, but our kit is meant for anyone who could use a moment to pause and take some time for themselves during the day.
“Waiting” is a rather malleable thing in that a person can choose what they do during their many minutes of waiting throughout the day. If people choose to spend this time wisely, and in a way that will benefit them, then waiting can be reinvented more positively as a critical time during which a person can take a break from their busy day.